"Music gives a soul to the Universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything"
We have discovered for ourselves that our seniors love to sing!

No matter what physical or mental challenges our folks may have, when it comes to music, everyone participates. We have heard nonverbal folks raise their voices in song when a childhood favorite is sung. We present a wide variety of music, from traditional American folk songs to present-day favorites. We also provide rhythm instruments, so everyone can participate.
We usually do sing-alongs once a month at each of our facilities, complete with lyric sheets. Due to the fact that we currently cannot visit our facilities, we are creating a number of sing-alongs for our YouTube channel, complete with lyric downloads. If you would like to contribute content, please contact Carol Gibson at carol@compassionateartists.org. We are also in need of simple rhythm instruments.
Older adults that sing have experienced some of the following quality of life changes:
Increased self-confidence
Improved interaction with other people in social settings
Reduced anxiety and aggression
Fewer incidences of depression
Fewer hospital visits
Ability to communicate even with speech difficulties
Improvements in the tone of their speaking voices
Easier breathing
Improved posture
Singing can have positive health benefits, even if you’re not a professional. Join a choir or sing with loved ones to experience the increased positive feelings, improved quality of life, and overall improved brain functionality.
Come make music with us! No professional experience required!
Contact Us:
Phone: 562 451-5015
2833 E. 1rst St. Long Beach, CA 90803
Write Us: artsheal@compassionateartists.org