“We must try to contribute joy to the world. That is true no matter what our problems, our health, or our circumstances are. We must try. I didn’t always know this and am happy I lived long enough to find it out.”


Roger Ebert




Help Us Bring the Joy of the Arts to Financially Disadvantaged Seniors 

Can you imagine your life without the arts? No access to live music, no chance to be creative, just spending days sitting, hoping that something will change, and now, because of COVID-19, unable to leave your room. Over 65% of seniors in residential care facilities we visit have been abandoned by their families or have no family left to care for them. Most suffer from extreme depression. Your donations will help keep programs going and allow us to expand to additional facilities. Together we can make lives better!!

Donor Levels

Arts Ally

Up to $99

Our Newsletter

Invitation to one
Special Event

Arts Guardian

$100 - $499

Arts Ally Benefits+

Name on Website

Arts Activist

$500 - $999

Arts Guardian Benefits

Name in Newsletter

Arts Advocate

$1000 - $1499

Arts Activist Benefits+

Invitation to a rehearsal

Arts Protector

$1500 - $2499

Arts Advocate Benefits+

Invitation to a Performance

Arts Champion

$2500 - $4999

Arts Protector Benefits+

Name on Website Home Page

Arts Hero


Arts Champion Benefits+

Invitation to Private Performance


For sponsorship information, please contact Executive Director Carol Gibson

Contact Us:

Phone: 562 451-5015

2833 E. 1rst St. Long Beach, CA 90803

Write Us: artsheal@compassionateartists.org